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Легков: Мојот медал е „чист како солза“

Рускиот нордиски скијач Александер Легков вели дека ќе се бори да го „исчисти“ своето име откако доби казна за допнингување за Олимпијадата во Сочи во 2014 и доживотна суспензија од Олимпијадите минатата недела.

Легков, заедно со сонародникот Евгениј Белов беа првите Руси кои добија казна за прекршување на анти-допинг правилата преку информациите добиени од извештајот на Ричард Мекларен.

Легков освои злато на 50 километри слободно и сребро на 4х10 километри штафетата во Сочи.

„Мојот медал е чист. Ќе се борам. Последните години бев тестиран повеќе од 150 пати и бев чист. Не бев тестиран во Москва или Сочи, туку во Келн, Лозана, Дрезден. Сите мораме да ги почитуваме правилата, но мораме да бидеме фер. Секој спортист може да биде во мојата ситуација“, напиша Легков во долг пост на Инстаграм.

Интернационалниот олимписки комитет (ИОЦ) не посочи каков прекршок направиле Легков и Белов, туку објасни само дека нема да можат да настапат на ниту една Олимпијада. ИОЦ ги ре-тестира сите примероци на руските спортисти од Игрите во 2014 година, а следниот месец мора да донесе одлука дали воопшто да им дозволи на руските спортисти настап на ЛОИ во Пјеонгчанг, Јужна Кореја во февруари.

It took me a long time to find words to describe what I feel. A few days ago, the IOC Oswald Disciplinary Commission decided to take away my medals, which I had won in Sochi 2014, and to impose on me and my teammate Evgeniy Belov a lifelong ban from the Olympic Games. The last few days I said nothing to media, my fans and all the other athletes because I was shocked – not only because of the decision on the matter, but also because of the circumstances. I do not want to apologize and I do not want to defend myself, but explain. For 20 years, I have been arranging all of this to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. Every athlete has this dream. We all, my opponents from all over the world and I, we worked hard every day. Year after year we met. We have measured ourselves in many competitions and in many training camps during the year. I know what you’ve done and you know what I’ve done. I was happy that I had your respect and you have my respect. This respect forbids you from cheating. In recent years I have been tested more than 150 times clean. Not tested in Moscow or Sochi because I was abroad, but in Cologne, Lausanne and Dresden. 2013 I won the Tour de Ski and was tested clean. On 20 March 2013 I won the 50km mass start race in Oslo and we had the same finish there as in Sochi 2014 and I was then tested clean in Europe. I know and my opponents know that I can win a clean race, and I know that they can win a clean race. Since 2011, I have been preparing myself with a team of coaches from Switzerland and Germany. I am very grateful that they supported me and still trust me. Only with their support could I reach my goals. The years before 2014 I spent most of a year with you in Switzerland and in Europe. In Moscow, where my home is, I only spent a short time on visits. All my opponents and teammates know that. In the months before Sochi, the time when the IOC accused me of having prepared myself with the so-called “cocktail”, I remained without interruption in Europe, not in Russia, and was tested 19 times again closely, in Lausanne, Cologne and Dresden. All substances from which the so-called “cocktail” was developed are known. It was not an extraordinary ?

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Легков суспендиран, Русија може да биде исфрлена од Пјеонгчанг

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